What is the Best Exercise for Fat Loss and Why Everyone Needs to be Doing It - Step 6The best exercise for fat loss is weight training, and every adult needs to be doing some form of it (the answer in the first sentence,...
Steps are Better than Workouts for Fat Loss - Step 5Steps 1 and 2 covered the base nutritional habits that you need to have in place. Steps 3 and 4 covered the calorie IN side of the...
How Setting a Protein Target will help you Lose Fat - Step 4So you have been tracking your daily calories and have been deducting 200-300 calories a day from your ‘maintenance’ calories to put...
The Only Way to Lose Fat is by Creating a Calorie Deficit - Step 3Not everyone needs to or should be tracking their calories. In saying that, it is an extremely useful thing to do at least at one point...
Why Water, Sleep and Stress are Sabotaging your Fat Loss - Step 2ALSO DON’T SKIP THIS STEP. Much like the previous step, it is very tempting to want to skip this step. You would have heard these basics...
How to Lose Fat like a Nutritionist - Step 1This is a seven part series called How to Lose Fat like a Nutritionist. It was initially meant to be a one part article but things got a...