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The Blueprint

Nutrition, training and lifestyle coaching 

For millennials who want to lose fat, gain muscle and feel energised for the rest of their lives

from $20 +gst per week

Do you find yourself thinking...

"I eat quite healthy most of the time" 

"I don't actually eat that much

"I'm pretty active


Despite all of this, you feel like you aren't seeing the results that you want and you find yourself spinning your wheels. You:

want to lose body fat but always find yourself 'starting again on Monday' 

would like to gain more definition but aren't seeing progress with your exercise

aren't feeling your best and know things are only going to get harder with age

You wish someone would just teach you the answer and get you to where you want to be

You want to feel confident in your own skin

You're not feeling great at your current weight and fitness level, and you want to change that. You feel like you generally eat well and in normal amounts. You aren't sure where you are going wrong, and are frustrated with feeling lost and overwhelmed.

You want to get your energy back

You often feel sluggish and flat, and are worried that you shouldn't be feeling this tired. Life is busy and your stress levels are higher than you'd like. When you hit that afternoon slump, a nap or a sweet pick me up is calling your name.

You want to have a life without extreme restriction

You've been burned in the past by blindly following fad diets or overly restrictive approaches, or you've seen it happen to others and know that's not the solution. But you just don't know what actually matters and how to avoid this trap.  ​

What if we told you we knew EXACTLY what you need to do to start losing fat, gaining muscle and feeling energised?

Imagine a future where you had:

Your nutrition set up for life 
You now finally understand the what, why, when and how of nutrition and will never feel confused or frustrated again​

Your training dialled in 

Your exercise is now the most effective it's ever been, you have reached new levels of strength and body composition

Your base lifestyle habits sorted

You have created lasting behaviours underpinned by a healthy mentality, meaning consistency for years to come ​

Kia ora!

We are Kate and James


We met at Otago University, James finishing with a Bachelor in Human Nutrition and a Bachelor in Exercise Prescription & Management, and Kate finishing with a Bachelor of Laws. We then moved to Southland where James worked as a Personal Trainer and Kate as a solicitor.


In 2019 we teamed up to open NTS Nutrition together, with James bringing in his nutrition knowledge and Kate her business background.  At the end of 2020 we made the big move up to Whakatū (Nelson). We took NTS Nutrition with us and now are completely based online. 

Our primary focus is on making nutrition sustainable and long lasting, and we are firm believers in creating a realistic plan that suits each individual. We love seeing first hand the effect of improved nutrition on people’s progress, health and quality of life. ​

Kate is our business brains and runs NTS from behind the scenes

Bachelor of Laws

James is our Registered Nutritionist and Personal Trainer

Bachelor in Human Nutrition 

Bachelor in Exercise Prescription & Management

Here's how we are going to get you to where you want to be:

The Blueprint

Nutrition, training and lifestyle coaching

After 10 years of working closely with clients, we know exactly what works and what doesn't. We have collated everything we know and created The Blueprint.

The Blueprint is our step by step process carefully designed for you to take control of your nutrition once and for all. This is an easy to follow programme based around actionable steps which form permanent nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habits.

We coach you through the programme either through video calls or voice clips, individualising everything to suit your specific needs and guiding you the entire time.

Beginner Blueprint

steps 1-7


Recapturing your quality of life starts with fundamental habits like your sleep, step count and water intake. Even though they are simple and seem ‘too easy’, they are hugely underrated.


We get these locked in and automatic so you can progress to more advanced strategies asap.

We get you set up with options for quick breakfasts, easy lunches, simple dinners and convenient snacks.

 We also teach you the principle of energy balance that underpins everything we do and is the key to fat loss.

We make sure that each change is a good fit for you personally and why it actually matters. Everything is done with the mindset of making it last.

Intermediate Blueprint

steps 8-11


Now that you have your base habits locked in, we move on to strategies for weekends, including takeaways, eating out, travel and alcohol. These are often the areas where we trip up the most. 

We have a look at our stress management which actually has a huge impact on any fat loss efforts.

We start setting things like a protein a fibre target, which ensures are meals are big and satiating to keep us going all day.   

Lastly we look at introducing deliberate strength training into your week so that you can start gaining muscle and strength.


You will get your vitality and mental focus back so you can thrive each day and improve your body composition for good.

Advanced Blueprint

steps 12-18

Moving on to more advanced strategies that become more optional extras depending on your goals.


We go through what supplements are worth taking and what metrics to use to measure your progress. 

We set more advanced goals if that's where we want to go, and take you through how to track calories to use as a tool in your toolbelt. 

We then look at either specific fat loss or muscle gain strategies, and after that how to move into a long term maintenance state and stay there indefinitely. 

We get you sorted now before things get harder as you age. You will finally start to get the results you've been missing, and never feel stuck with your nutrition again.

Step by step

Imagine not having to try and change everything all at once. Our effective step by step process means you can stop trying to be 'perfect' all of the time.

Instead, we take you through exactly what to improve and in what order, reducing overwhelm and focusing on what actually matters.

You work on one focus at a time, working your way through each step at your own pace, fitting around your life, schedule and ability. 

Why is doing it this way extremely effective?

Reason #1  - systematic order of what is actually important 


It gives you a step by step order to do things in rather than just trying to either do everything at once, or not doing anything because you are too overwhelmed. The health and wellness space is huge, confusing and often conflicting. 

We cut through this noise by distilling down what is actually important, starting from the most important things (main meals, water and sleep) then slowly moving down to more high end behaviours to only work on once you have the most important things in place. 

Reason #2 - stackable habits that complement one another 


Having the steps in order reinforces that each step or habit is stackable. This means that you have to keep doing the previous ones each time you move onto the next one. We don’t want you to put all the effort into getting your breakfast sorted, but then as soon as you move onto water you completely stop the great breakfasts you were having. 

This means that the further down the steps you get, the harder it gets with juggling all the habits at once. But, the reason we do it slowly and the ultimate goal is that each step becomes a habit that is second nature, something you do daily that you don’t have to think about. That isn’t going to happen overnight, but if you move slowly and consistently it will happen. 

Reason #3 - gives you a reference point if life happens


Life never goes exactly how we want it to. Things are bound to come up that mean your nutrition and exercise are no longer your number one priority.

If something does come up, having a 12 step process means you can pause at whatever step you are on, deal with whatever life has thrown at you, then when you are ready to come back to it, jump right back in where you left off. You will no longer have to go ‘back to the drawing board’ and work out what to do, you will know exactly what to do and have us here to help.

Ready to join us?

✔️ Weekly automated payments
✔️ Cancel at any time 
✔️ No contract or fixed time
✔️ Pause or change plans easily

Choose between voice clips or video calls:

Coaching through audio notes 

For when you need flexibility - no set time scheduled, instead we coach you through voice clips whenever you complete a submission


This is a less intensive process with more of a self paced learning focus - ongoing audio conversations with us giving you feedback and making tweaks as you go through each step

Coaching through fortnightly Zooms

For when you want extra support - video call scheduled for the same time every two weeks for ultimate guidance and individualisation


This is our premium offering with an extra level of accountability and troubleshooting - for a more personalised experience tailored to your specific needs

Here's an overview of what you are getting in The Blueprint:

1. Learn and track

Watch or listen to each lesson, then track the lesson's daily habit to reach a seven day streak

2. Submit your step

Create a clear plan for continuing this habit long term then submit it to us for checking

3. Video call or voice clip

We fine tune and individualise your submission through video calls or voice clips

Here's some more detail on how each step works:

1. Learn and track


Watch or listen to each lesson, then track the lesson's daily habit to reach a seven day streak


Each lesson begins with our end goal and the huge difference it will make in how you will feel each day. We then give you three clear actions to get you to that goal.​

You will be tracking your implementation to help cement the lesson as an automatic habit. You will need to have a streak of seven days tracked in a row.

This gives you time to learn and establish each behaviour before adding another. This forms genuine habits and avoids the trap of changing too many things at once.

Having The Blueprint lessons to deepen your knowledge while at the same time working closely with with us is the recipe for success.

2. Submit your step

Create a clear plan for continuing this habit long term then submit it to us for checking
Once you have completed the lessons and got your habit streak, you are ready to do your submission with details and photos of what you have been doing.

This includes things like food journaling, step tracking, metrics, macros and your workouts so we get a comprehensive picture of how you have been going. 

You will stay on your current step until you make your submission, which keeps things manageable and ensures you are always only moving at your own pace.

At each step you will gain motivation, and alongside the constant support from us, your consistency will sky rocket and you will never have to 'start again on Monday'.


3. Video call or voice clip


We fine tune and individualise your submission through video calls or voice clips

Now it's time for that extra support. If we think there is room for improvement, we will make tweaks and keep troubleshooting until you are all set.

If you want patient, supportive and judgement free coaches to personally guide you on your journey, then we would love to work with you. Choose between:

Video calls - coaching through fortnightly Zooms
For when you want extra support - video call scheduled for the same time every two weeks for ultimate guidance and individualisation.
Voice clips - coaching through audio notes
For when you need flexibility - no set time scheduled, instead we coach you via voice clips whenever you complete a submission.


Lose body fat
You have improved your body composition and are able to maintain it long term

Train Me.png

Gain muscle

You are training regularly and effectively and have the muscle and strength to show for it


Feel energised

Your fundamental lifestyle habits are second nature and you have never felt better 


You need flexibility 

The entire process is self-paced so can fit around your life. Every lesson is recorded to watch in your own time, easily fitting around your busy schedule.

You want permanent change

You know that the quick fix doesn't exist. You want to understand nutrition once and for all, creating long lasting and sustainable lifestyle change. 

You don't want to overhaul everything

We aren't making huge drastic overnight life 180's. You know these don't work. We give you impactful tweaks to your existing life.

You still want to have a life

You won't find restrictions or rules here, just smart strategies. You can still be social, eat out and enjoy life once you know how to balance these things.

You are already busy enough

These steps are straightforward with no frills. We are all about making things as quick and easy as possible. Minimal effort for maximum gain.

What our clients say about working with us

"After many years of trying and failing various diets/quick fixes, and dysfunctional relationships with food, we knew something had to change. 


After hearing about NTS through a local gym, we decided to get in touch and so our journey with James & Kate began. From the very first interaction they were warm and welcoming! There is ZERO judgement, which was a biggie for us.

What we have learnt since starting sessions with James has been invaluable and absolutely life changing. James is incredibly kind and considerate, and always makes sure that you are comfortable with carrying out the recommendations for that week.

We’ve learnt so much about how to correctly fuel our bodies to achieve what we need to, changed our mindset around food being a reward or an outlet for emotions and equipped ourselves with sound, practical and easy to implement nutritional advice. James & Kate are always just a message away if you have a quick question or need some encouragement.

We have learnt how much more valuable sustainable change is, altering habits in pursuit of being the best versions of ourselves. We haven’t just met a nutritionist, we’ve also made a friend.

Would recommend NTS in a heartbeat!"

Alex & Tyrell Hayes

Ready to join us?

✔️ Weekly automated payments
✔️ Cancel at any time 
✔️ No contract or fixed time
✔️ Pause or change plans easily

Choose between voice clips or video calls:

Coaching through audio notes 

For when you need flexibility - no set time scheduled, instead we coach you through voice clips whenever you complete a submission


This is a less intensive process with more of a self paced learning focus - ongoing audio conversations with us giving you feedback and making tweaks as you go through each step

Coaching through fortnightly Zooms

For when you want extra support - video call scheduled for the same time every two weeks for ultimate guidance and individualisation


This is our premium offering with an extra level of accountability and troubleshooting - for a more personalised experience tailored to your specific needs


There's so much more

Our app means everything is easily accessible from wherever you are

​​- join the video calls from your phone

​​- send and receive voice clips

- watch or listen to all The Blueprint lessons ​


- recipe library with high protein and nutritionally balanced options

- record your workouts and get technique feedback

- track your nutrition, exercise and lifestyle habits

- sync any of your wearables to monitor your steps and sleep patterns

- direct access to us through 1-1 messaging

What our clients say about working with us

"The Coach NTS programme has taught me a lot about nutrition; what to eat and why and how, etc. And it’s taught me a lot about myself too.


I’ve built better habits to improve my nutrition, which has had really cool flow on effects like a better relationship with food, lower stress levels (because I’m feeding myself properly) and a higher sense of pride.


The teaching approach is really effective and Kate and James provide a safe space to ask questions and get clarity on things I’m not sure about.


It’s been the best investment I’ve made in myself and my future."

Alice Saville

We aren't interested in:

Quick fix 'fad' diets, cutting out food groups or strict meal plans

Excessive exercise, 'no pain no gain' or random ineffective training

Overnight life 180's, 'cheating' on 'the plan' or an 'all in' approach

Good coaching is about meeting someone where they're at and starting from there. We will work closely with you to find an approach that works, taking into account the bigger picture of your life to ensure that our advice is both realistic and effective.

Why 'this time around' you will actually get where you want to be:

All in One

Everything you need to succeed is here in one place. Good nutrition, strength training and solid lifestyle habits are the winning formula. Completely online and easy to do on your app no matter where you are.





James is a Registered Nutritionist and Personal Trainer with 10+ years experience in personal training and nutrition. He has a Bachelor in Human Nutrition and a Bachelor in Exercise Prescription & Management.





Proper strength training, sustainable nutrition and practical lifestyle changes all done in a long lasting way driven by the right mindset. Our smart habit based model means we coach you through everything step by step.



Do everything from the comfort of your own home. All sessions are recorded and available at any time which means the coaching is completely self paced. It fits around your schedule, not the other way around.


We genuinely get to know you, your goals, your struggles and how your nutrition and exercise fits into your daily life. You have complete access to a nutritionist and personal trainer at any time.  


You want maximum support

You want completely individualised advice and need more guidance than a generic meal plan can offer.

You need extra troubleshooting

Your situation is more complicated than most and you need more time and detail to delve into some complex issues. 

You want clear direction

No more overwhelm or confusion about where to start. We give you set actionable steps week by week to follow, stacking behaviours on top of each other.

You want long lasting results

You have done the quick fix before and you know it only lasts for so long. Slow and steady, we aren't sprinting here. 

You crave knowledge

You will have a toolbox for life. Your mindset will be transformed and your relationship with food will change forever.


More information on how the coaching works

More information on how the coaching works

Ready to join us?

✔️ Weekly automated payments
✔️ Cancel at any time 
✔️ No contract or fixed time
✔️ Pause or change plans easily

Choose between voice clips or video calls:

Coaching through audio notes 

For when you need flexibility - no set time scheduled, instead we coach you through voice clips whenever you complete a submission


This is a less intensive process with more of a self paced learning focus - ongoing audio conversations with us giving you feedback and making tweaks as you go through each step

Coaching through fortnightly Zooms

For when you want extra support - video call scheduled for the same time every two weeks for ultimate guidance and individualisation


This is our premium offering with an extra level of accountability and troubleshooting - for a more personalised experience tailored to your specific needs

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