You want to create a healthy workplace
Running a wellness initiative at work and want to educate your staff? Keen to help your group fitness members with their nutrition? We can help!
We have been working closely with clients for years and during that time have seen what works and what doesn't. Rather than you trying to work it out for yourself, we have collated everything and put it into an easy to follow method designed to get your members or staff's nutrition and lifestyle sorted for good.
More often than not, we don't actually need more information. What we really need is an effective way to finally put that information into practice and have it stick. Our business services are designed to do just this. We not only teach your members or staff the why behind each aspect of nutrition, we teach them the HOW.
1. Complete our discovery form
Fill out a short form with your group's details so we can tailor the service to suit you.
2. Introductory seminar or webinar
Schedule a live 'Lifestyle Audit' session to start educating your members.
3. Members join The Blueprint
Your members then have the option of joining our Blueprint programme to turn theory into action.
Here's some more detail on how each step works:
1. Complete our discovery form
Fill out a short form with your group's details so we can tailor the service to suit you.
This includes information about the size of your group, a bit about what your business or organisation does, whether you want the session in person (in Nelson/Tasman region only) or an online webinar, and times that suit.
We also find out what the main issues and barriers you see with nutrition and/or exercise within your organisation. Are staff turning up tired each morning?Are they often calling in sick? Is there always a 3pm slump where no one is really working? The more we know, the more we can help.

2. Seminar or webinar
Schedule a live 'Lifestyle Audit' session to start educating your members.
This is an introductory seminar or webinar to help your staff find out exactly how they are doing with their nutrition, exercise and lifestyle.
They will then learn what they can start immediately to get their nutrition, exercise and lifestyle sorted for good, so they can bring the most to their work each day. This session is completely judgement free and is based on being realistic and sustainable.
3. Join The Blueprint
Your members then have the option of joining our Blueprint programme to turn theory into action.
Members have learnt the basic fundamentals and are now ready to take things to the next level. This is taking the seminar or webinar learnings and turning them into actionable change within their daily working lives.
We coach them through our Blueprint programme through either video calls or voice clips, either paid by them privately or subsided by you. We designed this as an ongoing all-inclusive membership that covers your member's nutrition, training and lifestyle all in one.

Who we have worked with

You want your members or staff to thrive
Support them by giving them the tools and support they need to do so, with both their wellbeing and your organisation benefiting as a result.
You are investing in your organisation
You understand that a high performing business comes from high performing people. If those people are undernourished, they won't be performing at their best.
You don't have time to do it yourself
You are already flat out busy, and don't have the time or knowledge to provide nutrition support. You want people with a proven record you can trust to step in.
You want that extra bonus to offer
Retaining staff or members is hard, and you know that any extra bonus you can offer will make a difference in making your organisation an attractive place to stay.
You need more than just tick box
You have tried 'workplace wellness' challenges before, but once the challenge was over things went back to normal. This is long lasting. Do it once and do it right.