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Nau mai, haere mai ki NTS Nutrition 

We are Kate and James


We met at Otago University, James finishing with a Bachelor in Human Nutrition and a Bachelor in Exercise Prescription & Management, and Kate finishing with a Bachelor of Laws. We then moved to Southland where James worked as a Personal Trainer and Kate as a solicitor.


In 2019 we teamed up to open NTS Nutrition together, with James bringing in his nutrition knowledge and Kate her business background.  At the end of 2020 we made the big move up to Whakatū (Nelson). We took NTS Nutrition with us and now are completely based online. 

Our primary focus is on making nutrition sustainable and long lasting, and we are firm believers in creating a realistic plan that suits each individual. We love seeing first hand the effect of improved nutrition on people’s progress, health and quality of life. 

Good coaching is about meeting someone where they're at and starting from there. We will work closely with you to find an approach that works, taking into account the bigger picture of your life to ensure that our advice is both realistic and effective.

Kate is our business brains and runs NTS from behind the scenes

Bachelor of Laws

James is our Registered Nutritionist and Personal Trainer

Bachelor in Human Nutrition 

Bachelor in Exercise Prescription & Management

He hauora te taonga

Health is wealth

This underpins everything that we do. Your health is literally your life and will determine how well you go through each day.

Fresh Green Dip


We LOVE women, in fact the majority of our clients are wāhine.
On one hand this is upsetting, as w
āhine face a disproportionate amount of pressure about their bodies, and tāne (men) often don't feel like they can ask for help.

We knowledge this disparity while still giving our clients autonomy to make their own decisions. Everyone is the expert in their own lives, so we support all wāhine wherever they are at. 


Because we see most clients on a regularly fortnightly or monthly basis, we build close collaborative relationships. 


We are in constant communication through messages and voice clips, which helps cement those relationships and provides further understanding and connection.

We don't rush this relationship building process. We get to know our clients deeply so we can give them the best advice possible and support them in the exact way that they need. 

Te Tauihu

​While we work mainly online, our home office is based in Whakatū (Nelson), ​Aotearoa (New Zealand). 


We acknowledge ngā iwi e waru o Te Tauihu (the eight iwi of the top of the south island) as tangata whenua - 

​Ngāti Apa ki te Rā Tō, Ngāti Kuia, Rangitāne o Wairau, Ngāti Koata, Ngāti Rārua, Ngāti Tama ki Te Tau Ihu, Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui and Ngāti Toa Rangatira.

We acknowledge Te Tiriti o Waitangi and ourselves as tangata Tiriti (Treaty partners). 


We do our best to ensure that this is a safe and inclusive space for everyone.
We do not accept racism, sexism, ableism, ageism, homophobia or any other form of discrimination.
We call out any micro-aggressions immediately and without apology.


We coach all clients in a compassionate and supportive way, rather than telling them off or making them feel guilty for their choices. 

Everyone is at a different stage in their health and fitness journey, and success will look very different depending on each client's circumstances. 

We respect this and provide a judgement free and open space for growth. We set clear boundaries and recognise that no one is perfect, including us. We treat all clients with kindness and respect. 

What our clients say about working with us

"I started working with NTS Nutrition in August 2021. With a new job, a new lifestyle and in a new country it was time for me to obtain some new and healthy food habits and a new mindset.


I struggled to do this by myself and when NTS Nutrition was recommended by my CrossFit box I knew this was my sign to get some help. And I couldn’t wish for better help than from James & Kate!


James has been so patient and kind with me, listening to my struggles and tailor everything to me personally. It really is a “trust the process” approach; no strict dieting, meals plans or fast weight loss programmes, but making small changes and improvements to my existing food and exercise habits, ending up with a healthy, sustainable routine.


By changing things step-by-step it’s not too overwhelming and it gave me the confidence to keep making these small changes week after week. We didn’t do daily or weekly weigh ins or measurements, but after a while I felt more comfortable, energetic and happier and my clothes are fitting better.


I trusted the process and now I start seeing/feeling the results! I’ve learnt so much from James (and still am) and I feel confident that I will be able to maintain my new routine. And if I do have a setback, I know I can still message James (and Kate) and he will give me the tools and advice I need to move forward again.


Thank you guys so much for everything!"


Florine Bos

Working with us

Why are we different?

All in One

Everything you need to succeed is here in one place. Good nutrition, strength training and solid lifestyle habits are the winning formula. Completely online and easy to do on your app no matter where you are.



James is a Registered Nutritionist and Personal Trainer with 10+ years experience in personal training and nutrition coaching. He has a Bachelor in Human Nutrition and a Bachelor in Exercise Prescription & Management.



Proper strength training, sustainable nutrition and practical lifestyle changes all done in a long lasting way driven by the right mindset. Our smart habit based model means we coach you through everything step by step.


Do everything from the comfort of your own home. All sessions are recorded and available at any time which means the coaching is completely self paced. It fits around your schedule and energy levels, not the other way around.


We genuinely get to know you, your goals, your struggles and how your nutrition and exercise fits into your daily life. You have complete access to a nutritionist and personal trainer at any time.  


Our commitment

We are mainly based online and don't sell any physical products.


As we work from home our main business related environmental contributor is our power use. Our power provider is Ecotricity which provides 100% renewable and carbonzero certified electricity sourced from wind, hydro and solar.  

Our internet provider is Zeronet who is solar powered and who offset any carbon they produce.


We don’t have a commute and we mainly use our electric bikes to get around, occasionally using our electric car if we need to.

We separate our waste into compost with Community Compost Whakatū, soft plastic recycling with Future Post, tetrapacks with SaveBoard, usual kerbside recycling, and have a zero waste box with Terracycle for things that can’t be traditionally recycled.


We buy most of our supplements from Nothing Naughty and Radix which are both sustainably minded NZ based companies. We shop for our bulk items at our local Bin Inn store to reduce packaging.

We use Cogo to track our carbon emissions. We invest with Pathfinder who have high standards of ethical investing.


We are constantly aiming to reduce our environmental footprint and still have lots of work to do in this space!

In the meantime, we make a weekly donation to GoodyGood to offset our emissions.


We are members of: 

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